As you probably have seen on either our website or FB page, all programming is suspended and the farm is closed to visitors until further notice due to COVID-19 precautions. We have taken these steps to ensure the health and safety of our employees, volunteers, clients and yes, our horses (we need to ensure human health to care for our amazing herd!). At this time, we have a very small group of staff and authorized volunteers who are members our Schooling Team and/or Barn Team who have been hard at work keep our horses cared for and in work! The herd is doing well, though they miss their humans--all of you!
We have had a number of volunteers offering to come in to help out and we so appreciate this offer; however, in an effort to keep healthy spaces (aka safe distancing), we are asking you to sit tight for right now. If you have a skill that you might be able to share with us remotely (internet research comes to mind, lol) or something that you'd like to discuss with us, please reach out by email--if it's something volunteer related, please contact Nick, program related, contact Kate, horse related, contact Kristin or Denise development/fundraising related, contact Susan, or anything else, contact me! We are looking for ways to be creative and keep you, our volunteers and our many clients engaged during this time of isolation from the humans and horses who make RTT what it is.
For those of you on FB or Instagram, please check us out our public pages, and for those of you who would prefer a private page we have created a closed FB Group for RTT Clients and Volunteers only. You will need to request permission to join this page. If you have specific questions or concerns please email me
Be well—
Sarah Bronson, Executive Director